Sunday, July 26, 2015

Athletic RepliKate

I love our girl.  She looks amazing today don't you think!

I have a hoodie just like this one I purchased it at Aldi in the early spring.  It was on sale for $8

I adore having the half mitt hands but I don't think Will's and Kate's were styled this way.  You can see the cuffs on Will's here.,,20395222_20940496,00.html?xid=email-peopledaily-20150726AM-20940496-img

I found this picture online and I really don't think that they are mitts, but I could still be wrong.  We shall wait and see.

Target has a non colored Replikate for 22.99!  Shown here in pink but available in black.

Happy Replikate!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

It's a Girl!

We are very excited about the announcement of a girl here at Repli-Kate!

Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess on their newest little Princess!

I will guess there will be a new line of girl's clothing fit for a princess in my future!